KAARAL s.r.l. 
Terms and Conditions of use the site 

The company KAARAL srl, registered at Trade and Business Registry of Chieti under no. 02262450691 with registered office in San Salvo, Via Contrada Piane Sant’Angelo is pleased to welcome you to its website www.kaaralusa.com (and its third party domains) to present its products and activities. Kaaral Srl has developed internally its own website (hereinafter referred to as “Site”) with the collaboration of multiple teams and business professionals.


Last updated: April 2023

Access to the Site

A. Personal Data Processing

B. Copyright

Intellectual Property

2. General Conditions

Use of the Site

A. General obligations of the user

B. Specific clauses for various parties

C. On-Line Applications

D. On-Line Applications

Information Contained in the site

A. General Provisions

B. Information on Products and services

C. Hyperlinks

D. Cookies

Modifications To the Site Terms and Conditions of Use


Communications and Suggestions

Contact Information



Since the Site was created in a European Union member state, we assure you that we are committed to respecting the principles of privacy, honesty, and safety as regards personal data processing under European law.
 Accessing and operating the Site constitutes an unreserved agreement on the part of the Internet user with the following terms and conditions.



All copyrights and other intellectual property, including full text, images, sounds, software and any other material in the Site fall under the ownership of Kaaral Srl.
You can browse the Site and generate print outs, downloading data to your hard drive, and distribute it to other people, but, in any case, only for information purposes and provided that the copyright notice appears in each of these copies. Any reproduction even partial of the Site is prohibited. No reproduction of the Site or any of its parts may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, nor modified or incorporated into any other work or publication, either in hard copy or electronic form, including posting to any website or apps, except in the cases expressly provided and permitted by the owner of the Site. Any unauthorized use, or otherwise contrary to the law, will be brought by KAARAL srl before civil and criminal courts.
In case of registration forms within the Site you will need to complete all required fields marked with an asterisk. Any incorrect or incomplete data will not be taken into consideration.
The user acknowledges that the data provided and stored in our systems is a valid and accurate proof of his/her identity. Please notify any changes to this information by accessing the contact area in the Site.
Access to the Site and/or its parts may require the use of personal access codes. In this case, it is necessary to implement appropriate measures to ensure that these codes remain secret. A code may be changed at any time. However, the number of attempts to access the Site and/or its sections may be limited to particular access levels and the assignment thereof is to the detriment of KAARAL srl. We encourage you to report any fraudulent use that you become aware of.
If the terms and conditions described in this document are not complied with we reserve the right to suspend the user’s access to the Site. In that case, you will be informed by email. Although we will try to ensure accessibility to the Site continuously, we cannot guarantee access in all circumstances. Access to the Site may be interrupted, in particular due to maintenance, updating or any other reason beyond our control.

1. Intellectual Property

The Site and each of its components (such as trademarks, images, texts, videos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property rights. The development of the Site entailed significant investments and the combined work of our teams. For this reason, except as expressly stated below, you are granted the right to use the Site exclusively for your personal and private use.
Any use or reproduction of the Site (in whole or in part) or its components, on any media, for other purposes, including commercial purposes, is not authorized. By way of exception, we can expressly authorize the reproduction or representation of all or part of the Site on some media. Any such request for authorization must be sent to us in advance. To contact us, simply follow the directions indicated in the contact section.

2. Use of the Site

To access the Site, the user requires access the necessary equipment and software that allows Internet use.
In addition, you are reminded that because the use of the Internet does not guarantee the safety, availability and integrity of the information transmitted, we cannot be held liable for errors, omissions, cancellations, delays, defects (in particular due to viruses) in communications, hardware, and software lines in regards to which we have no control, or in case of unauthorized use or damage to any content that may be published in the Site.



It is strictly forbidden to use the Site for racist, violent, xenophobic, slanderous, obscene, or illegal proposals. 
By using the Site, you agree not to:

  • disseminate content that is unlawful, defamatory, unauthorized, slanderous, violating privacy or image rights that incite violence, racial or ethnic hatred;
  • use the Site for political, propaganda or proselytizing purposes;
  • publish promotional or advertising content;
  • divert any discussion from its purpose, including use as a dating service; disseminating 
information or content that could jeopardize young people’s sensitivity;
  • engage in illegal activities, including infringement of copyright, software, trademarks, 
photographs, images, texts, videos, etc.

You must own all rights and/or authorizations for any content you may want to publish in the Site. Therefore, it is recommended not to publish content (in particular, photographs) that show recent architectural, advertising or clothing items where the brand may appear (acronyms, logos, etc.). Lastly, we inform you that content (in particular, photos and videos) that display images of minors will not be accepted in the Site.



Various sections can be made available in the Site: Downloadable Content (download), On-line applications or web application, scripts, user content, chatrooms, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”).



We may render available to you in the Site content featuring the permission to download (“Downloadable Content”). When downloading or using this content, you agree to use them in accordance with the Terms of Use.
We grant you, for personal and private use, free of charge and for the duration of the copyright, a non- exclusive, non-transferable right to use downloadable content. Any reproduction, representation, modification, or distribution of downloadable content must be subject to our express authorization. Any such request for authorization must be communicated to us in advance. To contact us, use the Contact page.



We may make available to you in the Site computer applications (“Online Applications”). We grant you free of charge, for personal and private use and for the legal duration of the copyright, a non- exclusive, non-transferable right to use On-line Applications. You agree not to modify, adapt, reproduce, correct or distribute the Online Applications, or any trademark or subscription provided on the Online Application and/or related media.
Please report any anomalies affecting the Online Application using the contact page. We will do our best to correct such anomalies as soon as possible.

3. Information Contained in the Site

The information contained in the Site has been included in good faith for the sole purpose of providing general information, whose accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed.



We will try to provide you with correct and up-to-date information. However, given the relatively technically reliable sending of data and information over the Internet, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in the Site.
Also, please note that errors or omissions in the information available in the Site can be viewed especially through third-party intrusion. Please report any errors or omissions using the Contact page.



Unless otherwise stated, the products and services presented in the Site are not offered for sale but stand for a presentation of the range of products and services we distribute throughout the country where such are published in the Site.



Hyperlinks inserted in the Site can link to third-party sites whose content we do not monitor. Consequently, since these hyperlinks have been included in the Site with the sole purpose of facilitating Internet browsing, the consultation of such third-party sites represents your choice entirely and your sole responsibility.



Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer when you browse a website (such as the pages you consult, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) and that can be consulted while visiting the website. Click here for more details about our Cookie Policy.


4. Modifications To the Site Terms and Conditions of Use

It is possible that content and information in the Site and also these Terms and Conditions of Use be modified to comply with new legislation and/or regulations and/or to improve the Site. Any modification and/or addition will be incorporated in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

5. Trademarks

All trademarks displayed in the Site are owned by KAARAL srl or used under the license / with the consent of the respective owner. Any reproduction is prohibited. Trademarks include, by means of non-exhaustive example, the “name”, “logos”, “product names”, the names of “lines” and “slogans”. Unauthorized use of any trademarks included in this Site is strictly forbidden.

6.Communications and Suggestions

Internet communications means, while somewhat reliable, do not ensure that the information reaches the intended destination; thus, for official communications and a higher level reliability, please write to us at our certified e-mail address kaaral@pec.it.

7. Contact Information

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at eshop.usa@kaaral.com

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The product must be in the same new conditions as when it was received.

Customer Service

We are available Mon-Fri 12-5 p.m. at (001) 407.426.3572 or 

you can email us at eshop.usa@kaaral.com


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Email: shop.usa@kaaral.com


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